Friday, April 4, 2008

Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.

- I wonder how many of us remember and appreciate the sacrifice and struggle of what MLK and the civil rights movement has done for America. We should give honor to a man who spoke as the voice of a people and said, " judge me by the content of my character and not by the color of my skin". MLK and SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) as well as other organizations marched in solidarity non violence, while insults, hatred and the N word was hurtled at them, to protest the inhumane injustices that existed in America's Jim Crow South. We should pay homage to a man who was successful in organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott and financially crippling that city's transportation department, as well as bringing attention to the plight of poor people in America by starting The Poor People's Campaign. MLK and others endured hardships, threats and violence to bring notice to the world that America's words of freedom and justice for all ring hollow to some. As a country we have come a long way, but still have a ways to go in dealing with racism and sexism. I also wonder as I hear some in the younger generation throw about the N word so casually, almost chummily to each other, what their feelings are on what MLK achieved in a time where blacks were not allowed to vote, eat, or stay at any white establishments down south, and that at any time your civil rights, a right due to all Americans, could be violated at the drop of a hat because of the color of your skin. Is the current generation grateful for what the previous generation did for them? I wonder if they know the significance behind the derogative N word or if they even care? Or do some see the word as some rappers do, conveniently used as a noun, verb or adjective in a music lyric. I wonder if they know that there was a time when the N word was gleefully used as a noose was being placed around a humans neck before being lynched. I wonder what MLK would think of all this? I also wonder if MLK would look at where we are today and see integrated schools, (Thank you Brown family & etal. Brown vs Topeka Board of Ed) and educational and employment opportunities for African Americans and be proud. I would like to think so.

Rest in peace MLK and thank you for your good deeds and brilliant words that moved the nation forward and liberated a people. I am sure God welcomed you at the throne and said JOB WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!!! May your "I have a dream" continue to live on forever.